Pyramidal Orchids are continuing to spread from their hot-spots on Treloar Meadow and the A31 Alton Bypass.
They have now managed to cross to the east side Whitedown Lane to , with three now opposite Beechwood Road, and another opposite the entrance to Ackender Wood:
Indeed on the western verge down Whitedown Lane/Pertuis Avenue to the Basingstoke Road I found 4 species. A total of 111 Common Spotted Orchid at this regular site, and two Pyramidal Orchids.
This White Helleborine had finished flowering:
And a total of 3 Bee Orchids - coming into flower. As always surprisingly difficult to spot.
A family of young Pied Wagtails at the sports center...

On to Chawton Roundabout where the verges are rich in flowers. Oxeye daisies finishing, St John's Wort coming out, and various shades of Pyramidal Orchids - one with a Meadow Brown attached.
What else can we see in this picture (to prove the point made above) ? Two more Bee Orchids:
Also Meadow Cranesbill, Musk Mallow, and Field Scabious
Also a number of immature and a single adult shieldbug on Whitebeam (?) - details TBC.
At Chawton - Stinking Iris in Mingledown Wood..
and a successful brood of 3 young Kestrels - an adult was flying over calling
And summer is truly here - Large Skipper