Monday 27 June 2022

Alton Cemetery then along the Wey

 We had a brief walk around Alton cemetery, having heard about orchids there. It was pleasantly overgrown with 20 or more Pyramidal Orchids scattered about the place in 1's and 2's 

Fox and Cubs may not be a native species, but they are still a bit special. These were in the cemetery, there were more along the railway line.

Then a walk along the Wey from the industrial estate - where 20 or more Scarlet Tiger Moths were resting on the caterpillar's food plant, Comfrey.

A bit of searching the Great Mullein revealed this spectacular large Mullein Moth Caterpillar

Not particularly wild... 

Neatham Down - Ringlets now emerging in numbers

I've yet to ID this (very cooperative) small bug but was pleased with the shadow effect on the leaf...