Friday 22 March 2019

16 March 2019: Early spring flowers in the Beech/Thedden area.

A blustery day meant that the emphasis remains on early flowering plants.
Barren Strawberry, Thedden: a nice patch by the side of the lane. Long green sepals between the white petals distinguish this from Wild Strawberry.

The first bluebells of the year: two stems in flower by the bridleway through Thedden Copse:

Wood Anemone: another first-for-the-year in Thedden Copse:

A single Chiffchaff was heard singing - a precursor to a significant arrival this week. I recorded 8 singing at Shortheath common on 20 March, while another heathland survey at Kingsley Common on 22 March found another 5. Portland Bird Observatory has experienced a major Chiffchaff arrival this week especially on the 20th March with at least 200 in the Portland Bill area and 56 ringed in the Obs garden. 
It was good to find Stonechats at both Kingsley and Shortheath - this may well mean that more birds have survived the mild winter and it will be interesting to see whether there is an increase in numbers this summer at the larger heathland sites.

This Rook is showing signs of albinism.