Sunday 31 March 2019

30 March: Edenbrook Country Park for birds

An early cycle ride on a marvellous sunny morning to Edenbrook Country Park, Fleet to catch up with the male Garganey which has been there for a week now. A photo (not mine) can be seen on

Other migrants were in evidence too with a pair of Wheatear clearly newly arrived, buzzing about the place. It was day of Wheatear arrivals throughout the county with 19 on the beach at Sandy Point (Hayling Island), 6 at Eastney, 6 at Farlington, and odd 1's and 2's elsewhere.

I tend not to take many bird photos due to limitations of the camera I use, but this Reed Bunting was confiding:

I returned via Tundry Pond which was generally quiet but where another three Reed Buntings were singing. This Peacock was one of two sharing the same blackthorn bush:

Dogmersfield Lake was next where three Wigeon were still hanging on from the winter. I could not find any Hirundines at any of the wetland sites - these had to wait till Sunday 31 March when there were 100 at Tice's Meadow, Farnham along with a Willow Warbler.

The final stop was Weston Common. There was no sign of any Tree Pipits yet - the first ones are due to arrive any day now - but a male Brambling brightened the day.